Museum Restoration Builder Virginia

Wood Craft Supplier for Mount Vernon Estate
Gepetto Millworks of Richmond VA is proud to have supplied many of the museum quality restoration woodworking pieces for instalation at the historic estate of George Washington.

Restoration Builders of Virginia’s History
As both the birthplace of the American Colony, and the capital of the much disputed Confederate states Virginia’s counties, cities and towns hold the richest living history of any state in the Union. Gepetto craftsmen fashion historically accurate windows for private homes in historic neighborhoods like Church Hill, or The Fan in Richmond, as well as historic communities like the
One of these is not like the other
Can you see the difference?

PREAPPROVED hand crafted details
To finish the fences in an historically authentic look and feel, Gepetto Craftsmen used hand cut templates emulating the mistakes a 1700’s carpenter might have made in the process of fashioning hundreds of newell posts. The post tops are cut from solid pieces just like 200 years ago. However, our craftsmen are accustomed to 21st century levels of detail and repeatability and work with some of the highest quality machine tools – to produce the same result craftsmen working with steel that had only been tempered by a blacksmith 200+ years ago. The post tops were cut with varying templates to give a pre-approved – hand fashined look and feel allowing the museum historians as much input as possible in their final product.
Contact Matthew for creative working solutions to achieve your museum quality restoration.