Creative Office Interior Design & Construction Services

$89 to $142/SF
Upgraded with some drywall ceiling areas with indirect cove lighting,
architectural woodwork doors and frames, glass office fronts in matching
wood framing; 30% of wall areas as premium-grade architectural woodwork,
40% with acoustical fabric wallcovering, 30% as painted drywall; extensive
wood veneer millwork with granite countertops, $45/yd broadloom carpet,
more extensive lighting and custom fixtures for artwork and accent areas
Office Interior Construction Architectural Millwork Design

Price Per Square Foot
According to Remodeling Magazine, the average home-office renovation runs $187.50 per square foot. This includes new cabinetry, countertops, added storage space, new carpeting, new drywall and modernized electrical wiring. You can find square footage by multiplying the length of a room by its width. Example: a 12-foot-by-12-foot room amounts to 144 square feet. The cost for renovation using Remodeling Magazine’s average figure would be 144 times $187.50, or $27,000.

$136 to $183/SF

Now, the walls are coming down. Driven by changing work styles, mobile technology, and the growing presence of Millennials—people born between the early 1980s and 2000—today’s workplaces are changing, mostly for the better. Perimeter offices are disappearing, floor plans are opening up, and trendy breakout areas and cafés are replacing the rigid, closed layouts of the past, says Barry Fries, founder and CEO of contractor B.R. Fries & Associates. “More than ever, we see young companies owned or dominated by Millennials gravitating toward historic downtown buildings, where they’re installing sustainable, laid-back interiors with adaptable furniture systems and a surprisingly high finish quality,” he says.